

We're a growing church family endeavoring to learn more of Jesus and enjoy growing in His grace.

At the Brooksville Seventh-day Adventist Church. we savor warm fellowship, heart-felt worship and strong Biblical teaching. Our weekly Sabbath worship services are augmented by mid-week Bible study, frequent spiritual, social and outreach events. Our mission is the desire to be connected to Jesus, and to see others enjoy a never-ending connection with Him.

While churches serve many needs, our business is to be about the Father's business - manifesting the character of Jesus and reaching out to others with the good news of the everlasting gospel. We're driven by the word of God, and our desire is to uphold, proclaim and live God's word in these exciting times.

Check out our website, get to know us a little bit, and if so moved by God, visit us and join us in worship.

On our website you'll find out a little about who we are and what we're doing, and you can contact us to find out more.

The Worship Hour begins at 11:00 a.m.

God bless you as you seek to know Him more.

Yours in Christ.